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Whether it's for Christmas, a birthday, an anniversary or simply a gift for a loved one, our Derby Uncovered Walks and Tours Gift Vouchers are the perfect gift. 


Available in various denominations each voucher is valid for both 'Derby Uncovered - The Walk' which covers the best, strangest, quirkiest and grisliest of Derby's history or 'Launched into Eternity' which is a look at Derby's often brutal Crime and Punishment history.


Vouchers are delivered inside a Derby-themed greetings card and you have the option of having them sent to yourself or someone else - or collect them from the Derby Heritage Centre.


Vouchers can then be redeemed either in person at the Derby Heritage Centre at 11 Sadler Gate, Derby or by calling the Derby Heritage Centre on 07305 270708.


Further details on our walks can be found by clicking here


Oh and they don't expire!!


Derby Uncovered - Walks and Tours Gift Voucher

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