The entire foundations and history of the city of Derby have had one constant factor connecting the many centuries and eras - its people.
Now as we look to the future of our city we want to create an environment and home that engenders pride in both ourselves and our local area.
Derby Uncovered CIC have a bold and exciting vision that incorporates the rich fabric of Derby's history and heritage alongside its wonderful creative industry and its incredible local food and drink suppliers.
Join us on an exciting journey as we begin to revitalise and regenerate our city - particularly the Cathedral Quarter - with a bold manifesto that supports local people, local creatives and local businesses.
Our Vision
We envisage a bustling and busy Cathedral Quarter full of businesses and organisations that understand the benefit of local cooperation.
A place where everyone - no matter who they are, how old they are, or how much disposable income they have - can come along and enjoy.
We envisage the everyday people of Derby as one of the most important stakeholders in everything that we do, and we want to engage at every available opportunity with you - the people - so we can work together and make sure that everything we do adds vibrancy, fun and social benefits to our city.
Our completed vision is a network of premises that interlink with each other and all share the common goal of being dedicated to the betterment of all of Derby's citizens and the city itself. We firmly believe that together we are stronger and that together we can make an immeasurable positive difference to the lives of the everyday people of our city, and also the vibrancy and success of our area.
We envisage a process that is completely transparent organised by people that are completely approachable.
For centuries Derby has been a place of innovation and invention and we believe now is the time that the we make sure that our legacy lives on for centuries to come.

Our Approach

We believe that understanding our history and heritage can play a key role in helping us understand the foundations of our city, and in turn can help people take an increased level of civic pride in where we live, work, shop and socialise. Our process is therefore based on understanding our rich heritage whilst simultaneously building a better future.
We believe that by linking our past to a shared future vision we can create an environment in which engaged and positive people can play a part in the future of their surrounds, and we firmly believe that each and every individual that commits to helping our projects is as important as anyone else in the process.​
Although a CIC has Directors in the same way that a commercial company has directors, our Directors are here to attempt to facilitate the wishes of our community and aid in its betterment.
Partnerships are also a key tenet of our approach and strategy and we will actively be looking for partners - both commercial and non-commercial - for any and all of the projects we initiate.
We are everyday citizens of Derby - just like many of you - and we strongly believe that community-led ventures empower each and everyone of us, enabling us to create a vibrant and successful locale.
Together we truly are stronger and we'd love for you to join us on this journey.
A CIC is a special type of limited company which exists to benefit the community rather than private shareholders. All CIC's are asset locked - this means that the company’s assets will only be used for its community objectives. In addition to this none of our Directors take dividends from the business.​
Our intention is two-fold. Firstly we wish to create locations - such as the Derby Heritage Centre - that generate finances that help us stand on our own two feet. Secondly we intend to raise funding from a mixture of applications to bodies such as the Heritage Lottery Fund and the Awards for All fund as well as from private and social investors and sponsors.​.
There's a lot of ways you can help. Though our intent is to source funding, often that funding requires that we raise a certain amount ourselves, so we will be needing volunteers with spare time to help us fundraise. Our contribution to fundraising can also be "in-kind" as well. This means that if any local businesses or tradespeople provide their time to us free of charge that may count as donated funds, so if you feel you can help that way then we'd be very grateful.
Quite simply we're looking for positive-minded people. Derby has both a wonderful history and heritage and a great deal of things that we can be proud of. Let's take that pride and use it as a driving force to make positive changes towards our future.​​